It is easy to get caught up in the act of living in the moment, but what are we here to actually do? I spent a long time figuring out my life purpose and I want to share with you my story.

The life I live now is very much one of peace and overall fulfilment and I am much clearer on my purpose. It hasn't always been like that though..
Reiki Level 1
I have to rewind back to 2013 to my first connection with life beyond what we see. I went on a social event and met some new friends at an event that had a Reiki session. At this point I had never heard of Reiki. I did believe in the spiritual side of life and definitely believed in the afterlife but hadn't given it much more thought.
The experience was profound, so much so that I took myself off to learn Reiki Level 1 a few short months later. Armed with this new information what did I do next? Well nothing...
Moving and Change
In 2015 I moved house and relocated to Manchester, not a big move from Leeds but add a new job in the mix too and it was a big change for me, one I probably underestimated.
During my time in Manchester I would describe it as a mixed time of highs and lows. I got a promotion into a great global role, I met some great people and enjoyed some great travel. Something was missing though and in the lows I sought counselling three times trying to figure out my feelings. During this time I rediscovered Reiki...
I started visiting a Reiki Master and once again felt a sense of connection to something I had before. I remember seeing vivid purple/indigo every time I went and now I believe it was because I was attuned to Reiki back in 2013 and this was me reconnecting to the journey I had already started. Purple/Indigo represents the third eye and crown chakras, the ones where we connect to our intuition and our highest self.
Several times during my life in Manchester I asked myself what my purpose in life was but I didn't know then how to find the answer. I just knew there was more than what I was experiencing then.
Heading Home
Just before the pandemic I felt the time was right to return back over the pennines home. I had a job I could do remotely (before home working became big!) and I missed my Yorkshire roots.
So I sold up and moved back to Leeds, completing on my house the week of lockdown, talk about stress!
I should have felt complete but in truth 2020 was the worst time for me. I felt at my lowest emotionally and my body image and self esteem was rock bottom. Staying locked up only fed that problem as I didn't have to face the outside world.
On top of my mood, the house I had moved to and the dream of being back home had a harsh dose of reality in the shape of a nightmare neighbour. Music blaring all hours, shouting and screaming it tipped me over the edge and shattered my peace.
I lasted 12 months before I sold up and moved.
The Awakening
Moving house set the wheels in motion for my spiritual awakening. I found a home which became my sanctuary and I began to discover people and practices which opened up my desire to connect with my higher self. I lost weight and in doing so cleared my weight obsessed mind with free space to think more clearer.
For the first time in a long time I felt good, I felt like I was on the right path and things were slotting into place.
I was still travelling to Manchester for my Reiki and one day just felt compelled to pick back up the learning of Reiki so I undertook Reiki 1 again and then level 2. During this time I also did some shedding of what didn't serve me anymore (people, places, things) and welcomed new learnings, experiences and people into my life.
A spiritual awakening can mean lots of things to lots of people but for me it was finding ways to connect my soul with this human experience and get clarity on what I am here to do. I now know I am here to help people and I seek a life of peace and freedom. Discovering my human design as another tool to help me see who I am, made total sense to my life's purpose and what living in alignment can feel like.
Life Now
My life now is very different to the one four years ago. I am confident in who I am and connected mind, body and soul. I understand who I am, what I like and what I don't like and feel at peace.
Ok sometimes I still compare myself to others (social media anyone) and that's ok to do, but I know I am on the right path. I never dreamed I would start my own business and I am proud of my own learning growth in developing The Soul Haven and its only the beginning.
I maintain a practice which keeps me grounded, I am experimenting with living my own Human Design and helping others understand theirs, and I love love love seeing my Reiki Clients experience the many benefits of Reiki.
I see now the path ahead for me, and I would love to help you find your path.